Elev8 Celebrates their TREC Organizational Accreditation

February 11, 2025

Elev8 Online Schools, which includes more than 1,500 students in Mission Academy, San Diego Mission Academy, and Paseo Grande, has officially completed their Trauma-Resilient Organizational Accreditation, and we couldn't be more thrilled for them! This milestone is a true testament to the versatility and impact of TREC’s Accreditation model, demonstrating that trauma-resilient practices can be embedded across any educational environment—including online learning.

The dedication and passion of Elev8’s team efforts in this process were tremendously inspiring. Their TREC Sustainability Action Plan was thorough, forward-thinking, and deeply intentional, ensuring long-term resilience and well-being for their students, staff, and community.            

With heartfelt speeches from Principal Jenna Unis, Assistant Principals Brandi Landrum, Damaris Owens, and Heather Barnhart, Community Liaison Linda Ketterer, and TREC’s Craig Beswick, Vice-President of School Development Division (pictured), the attendees were uplifted and excited about the future growth and impact that Elev8 Schools will have on students in California for years to come.

With twelve tables of ten colleagues each, this was the first time that numerous Elev8 statewide colleagues met each other in person. Witnessing their excitement, engagement, and appreciation throughout this journey was incredibly rewarding—the energy in the room was absolutely electric! ⚡

Dana Brown

Community Organizer, Trauma-Resilient Professional, TREC Pioneer, and PACEs Science Statewide Facilitator

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