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Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification

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Nurture a healing-centered home environment

The Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification is designed for all parents and guardians who want to develop an understanding of the impact of trauma, build resilience, and foster trusted relationships with their children.

Through TREC we are better able to live through love and connection instead of fear and anxiety.
Tabitha Bahu Elwood

How It Works

TREC's Individual Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification is an asynchronous, self-paced program which supports parents and guardians in becoming more resilient and better able to support their children. The courses cover topics such as trauma-informed care, self-care, and strategies for building resilience.

The program is delivered online and can be completed at a parent/guardian’s own pace, making it convenient for busy parents. It is an ideal program for those who want to improve their understanding of trauma and its effects, as well as develop practical strategies for coping with and healing from trauma and building trusted relationships with their children and families.


Our Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program is designed to empower you with the essential competencies needed to provide genuine support and foster resilience with your children and families.

Comprehensive Understanding of Trauma


Gain insights from cutting-edge research, including Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) Science, to develop a deep understanding of trauma and its impacts on behaviors and interactions.

Enhanced Self-Care and Well-Being


Integrate mindfulness and self-care practices into your daily routine to reduce stress, enrich well-being, and regulate emotions, ensuring you're equipped to nurture your family’s well-being.

Embrace Vulnerability


Learn how to lead by example by sharing your vulnerabilities, experiences, and emotions, creating a safe space for deeper understanding and connection with your children and family members.

Cultivate Love, Compassion, and Empathy


Discover new ways to offer non-judgmental and empathetic support, facilitating healing and nurturing genuine acceptance and understanding within your family and community.

Enhance Your Self-Awareness and Interpersonal Proficiency


Learn how to support yourself and others in recognizing strengths, imparting coping mechanisms, and facilitating skill enhancement through self-awareness and interpersonal skills.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset


Believe in the potential for growth and development in all individuals, cultivating a mindset conducive to overcoming challenges and realizing full potential.

Provide Nurturing Support


Provide nurturing support based on your children's developmental stages.

Offer Personalized Support


Provide tailored support and resources based on each individual's stage in their healing journey, ensuring effective and meaningful assistance.

Depersonalizing Behavior


Understanding that behavior is a manifestation of trauma helps Trauma-Resilient Parents respond with empathy and understanding, fostering a supportive, healing-centered home environment.

Overall, these competencies enable Trauma-Resilient Parents to create a safe, supportive, and empowering home where children and youth affected by trauma can heal, grow, and thrive. By embodying these competencies, Trauma-Resilient Parents have a greater ability to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of their children and families.

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Sharpen - Powering Healthy Minds
PACEs Connection
Parent pushing kid on swing

How to Enroll

To enroll, simply click “Enroll Now”, complete the form and log in instructions will be sent to your email address soon after.

To access the course, log in, go to the Courses page, and select the Trauma-Resilient Parenting course.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is the Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program designed for?


The Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification is for any parent/guardian globally.

Learn More About Trauma

What topics are covered in the Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program?


Topics covered include the infant, toddler, and adolescent brain, practical applications and soothing strategies supporting children, youth, and parents who may be activated, expanding awareness of multiple intelligences, and numerous self-care practices supporting family’s well-being.

How is the program delivered?


The program is delivered online and can be completed at the individual's own pace.

What is the goal of the Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program?


The program aims to support parents in becoming more resilient and better able to support their children and family’s well-being.

How many courses are included in the program?


The program consists of 1 course.

What is the duration of the Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program?


The program is asynchronous and self-paced, so the duration depends on each individual's pace. The average completion time is 90 minutes.

What is the cost of the Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program?


The program is free for all parents and guardians.

Is the Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program evidence-based?


Yes, the program is based on cutting edge research and evidence-based practices in trauma-resilient care, resilience, and social-emotional learning.

How can the Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program benefit me?


The program can provide you with the skills and knowledge to cope with and heal from traumatic events, both past and future, and develop practical strategies for supporting children and family members who have experienced trauma.

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the Individual Trauma-Resilient Parent Certification program?


Yes, individuals who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate of completion and become a certified Trauma-Resilient Parent (TRP).

Become a Trauma-Resilient Parent Today

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